You need to read the first part before read this post.
Rattan that has taken from forest will be selling by farmers to The Collector. They are the second part of the looong tail of rattan industries.
There are small collector and also the big collector. The difference is just big collector have the place for processing the rattan. They have the worker for cleaning, peel off the husk, thorn etc.

This is the look of the rattan after taken from forest. They are still green. The color become yellowish, dark brown, light brown time to time after drying process.
But it is also depend on the variety of rattan itself. Usually yellowish are common color of rattan.

The pictures below show how the worker clean the rattan cane that taken from forest. Some supplier have their own pool, others use small river. This is the third part of the rattan industries tail. I called it Big Collector.
Sometimes they become the first supplier of finished material, but in other hand they are also the branches of the big supplier. The big supplier own the money, they put the money to the collector (small or big collector). The collector usually don’t want to sell the rattan directly to the company who produce the rattan products. They only want to sell the material to the big supplier. It is weird but, sometimes it looks like they are afraid selling directly even though the big supplier does not give their money. I found most of the big collector are refuse to selling to me as a company who produce the final rattan products.
Ok, back to the cleaning process.
The second stage of cleaning process is called “runti” or “lunti”. This part is when they take off the husk and thorn. The first I saw, it look like easy process but actually not. You need to have extra power and ability to use the equipment.
They have one tools that have two rotor and also in their hand they put a chain. To clean the rattan, they will pull the rattan and use the chain to crush the husk and thorn. All are manual.
Take a look at this video. Sorry for the small resolution 😉