SELOAGRO new rattan factory
CV Seloagro are established company in Indonesia that is focuses on rattan wicker and handicrafts manufacturer and exporter .
Currently our rattan baskets products has been marketed not only in Indonesia but also reached overseas.
We distribute handmade basketwares made by natural rattan like Wicker rattan storage basket,
Rattan laundry basket, Rattan garden basket, Wicker rattan flower basket and
Rattan bicycle basket. We are open for custom made rattan wicker basket.
Contact Us : seloagro.mkt@gmail.com
It took us around four years to develop red maroon rattan material and three years for brown and black colored rattan wicker basket material.
This year, we are proud to introduce you to our new
innovation. We believe that we are the first company to
make red maroon colored rattan kubu without spray painting needed .
Since 2016, we have been selling black Kubu baskets to our customer and the demand has increased over time. It gives our customer more color option other than the
regular grey kubu.
Please email to seloagro.mkt@gmail.com to get the online catalogue
We are proud to introduce our new collection of rattan baskets.
We are coming with a new fresh idea how to make black and brown basket because many customers asked about darker color
compare to grey that become common color. Our customers want something new, something unique and different. So we are coming now with new color,
a unique combination and a unique weaving style.
Feel free to download the catalog. Please contact us if you have any question.
SELOAGRO new rattan factory
SELOAGRO new rattan factory
SELOAGRO new rattan factory
SELOAGRO new rattan factory
Rattan Indonesia Show at Ambiente 2016
In Ambiente 2017, we introduce black kubu baskets which is made from natural rattan kubu
SeloAgro attended first IFEX (International Furniture Expo) in Jakarta.
Checkout short story of rattan wicker baskets, wicker works
Everyone knows what bike basket is. We are focus making a bike basket with natural rattan cane material. So it will be a retro style bicycle basket. Our baskets are made by 100% hand woven and finished with a lot of style.
CV.SELOAGRO attend International Furniture & Sourcing exhibition in Frankfurt, Feb 2013
For drying process we use special design Drying room for rattan material.
Goods taken directly from Drying room or warehouse; we put silica gel than load it to container. Each container have 10-20 bags of dry bags silica.
The grey kubu process are pure natural by sinking the material into the bottom of pool and cover it with mud. It took 2-4 weeks for process
SeloAgro is factory for Handwoven or handmade rattan basket in Indonesia
CV.SELOAGRO registered as Exporter for Rattan baskets & Rattan Furniture
There are more than 50 species of rattan known. But we only use several of them to make wicker baskets such as Rattan white kubu, grey kubu (kobo or koboo), Lacakk, Croco (Sarang Buaya), Rattan fitrit or rattan core, Also rattan slimit and cl
SeloAgro Rattan Baskets 2022 Collection, click here
Find out HARDI COLLECTION and our new color GREEN RATTAN KUBU.
There are a lot of new baskets design that we presented at IFEX Aug 2022. Our main collection today are focusing on new colors innovation and some new weaving styles.
We are bringing new color innovation for natural rattan to the next level. Introduce to you RED MAROON RATTAN WICKER BASKETS
This is the first time after four years of experiment we are proud to announce that our new products will be a game changer in rattan industries. We believe that we are the first company to make red maroon rattan material using the natural process with natural material.
We are proudly to introduce our new Rattan Baskets Collection for 2017 "NOIR,BROWN & FANCY" COLOR BASKETS
Have you seen black rattan baskets ? We will introduce the Noir collection along side with brown and fancy color baskets starting in AMBIENTE 2017. The black and brown baskets comes with secret ingredient after 3 years of experiment.
We are proudly to introduce our new Rattan Baskets Collection for 2016.
Every year we always bring something new in our collection. We are also try to find the possibility to combine various types of material and bring them to the products that all of our customer will love. This year, we are proudly to present a new style of weaving. We call it “Jejet”. This kind of weaving style can be use for various range of baskets products. Start from bags to storage and also for garden baskets. We hope, it can be something big for rattan basket industries.
Rattan Wäschekorb,Košare od ratana,Rattan Ablagekorb,Rattan kurv,Rotan Fietsmand,Rotan Mand,Cistella de vímet,Koszyk rattan,Brandhout Mand,Huisdier Fets Mand, Rattan Indonesien,Rotan Indonesië,Panier en rotin,плетеной корзине,Rotan Huis Tuin Mand,Brennholz Warenkorb,Rattan Fahrradkorb,Rattan Korb,Ratanový koš,Cesto in rattan, Cesta de vime,Cesta de mimbre,Fahrrad-Tierkörbe,Rotan Opbergmand,Rattan Einkaufskörbe,Rattan Hausgarten Korb,Rattan sepet,Rotan Wasmand,Fiets mand,Cykel kurv,Cesta da bicicleta велосипедов корзина,Cestino della bicicletta,Rattan Hjem Have Basket,Rattan hjem haven kurv,Accueil panier de jardin rotin,Startseite Garten Korb Rattan,Casa cestino giardino rattan Rattan ev bahçe sepeti,Fahrrad-Tierkorb,Rattan Blomsterkurv,Panier de fleurs en rotin,Rotan bloemmand,Rattan-Blumenkorb,Resto di fiori in rattan,Rotting blomst kurven, Корзина цветов из ротанга,rotan indonesia,rattan indonesia,rattan factory,rotan factory,Cesta de flores rota,Fietsmanden leverancier,Fietsmand kopen
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Indonesia Ministry of Trade and Industry are supporting us with provide the exhibition.
We are also work with Switzerland Global Enterprise known as SIPPO in order to give us the advice for marketing and all the training.